Monday, November 30, 2009

White Lady

OMG last night was so scary, while my sister Tera and I and our cousin where watching TV the shower turn on by itself. If you are familiar with filipino culture you probably have heard of the white lady. We where all so scared because this happen 3 times. We all where thinking we have a ghost in our new home and we where all to scared to go to sleep. But a little later we relise that when you use water in the kitchen for some reason the shower would also turn on. With a little detective work and much relief we fix the problem.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Eating Out

Today I went to mass then afterwards my sister and another friend went out for lunch. It was just a small conaderia. We order pancit bihon and spagetti it was so delicious. Why is it that people always enjoy food more when someone else coooks it?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Big Move

Today we moved house and it was a lot of hard work but we had many friends to help so it was not so bad. We hired two filipinos to help lift all the big furniture like our refrigerator and lounge. I love our new home it is so much better than our last place.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Packing Boxes

Packing Packing Packing I am already tired of packing. waaaaaa So many boxes, so much work but our new place looks really nice, so my sister and me are both very excited. I cannot wait to move in.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

All Saints Day

Here in the Philippines All Saints Day is a national holiday and it is celebrated manily by going to Mass, going to the cementary where your love one's are burried. Many filipinos will make it a time to celbrate and they will eat dinner at the cementary and many will sleep there so they are close to their families that they have lost. Because I am away from home, my sister and I prepare a small shrine with mama Mary and Jesus and we place candles and food on the shrine for our family who is not with us anymore.