Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day and Veterans Day

Today my friend invited me to attend a service with her and her husband on SBMA. It was service for the end of the First World War. To tell you the truth I did not know their was a first World War until a few days ago. But the service was very moving I nearly cried. God bless all the soldiers who die for us. Two days to go to my Birthday:-) This is a simple picture of me at Boracay when I was their visiting my brother.
Note: If you join Keira’s website you also get access to 9 other sites for free!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fun And Games

After I finished work today I went with my friend and her little boy to a small park that has some rides for kids. It was great fun watching her sun laughing and really enjoying life like a child should. Today was a good day and I only have 4 days to go until my birthday:-)
This is a picture of me on the bunker boat going to Boracay with my brother.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Day After

It was a nice night outing last night, all the places where full of people it was the busiest I have seen the bars for a very long time. Us girls spent the night just chatting, their was no games going on in the bars so it was left up to us girls to create our own fun because all the girls husbands and boyfriends split up into groups and talked sports and girls:-)
So that meant a lot of jokes and laughter and friendly banter between us girls. And guess what? I did not have one alcoholic drink. yeeeaahh
I had a lot of fun today at my weekly webcam show I cannot wait for next week show it should be a lot of fun too.
This picture is of one very beautiful waitress, Do you agree?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another Night In Paradise

Tonight I am going out with friends for a girlfriends husbands birthday, it coming the norm with my friends who are married or are girlfriends of foreigner to do a barhop when it is one of their birthdays. I love going because they are a real lot of fun with plenty of laughs.
I will tell you all about it tomorrow.
Don't forget about our weekly webcam show tomorrow Sunday from 1pm onwards until my show at 3pm.
My birthday is getting really close hehehe
Here is another picture from last night, I hope you like.